Tell Tale and Leech Streamer Mixed Pack of 10

£14.40 £13.95

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Mixed pack of 10 pairs red and green wool Tell-Tales (for three headsails), 4 blue ribbon Leech-Streamers (for one mainsail). Self adhesive, easy to fit. Complete with fitting instructions. Improves your sailing performance:

When a sail is trimmed correctly all Tell-Tales on both sides will stream aft. If pointing too high or the sail needs trimming, the windward Tell-Tales will flutter and lift; if sailing too low or the sail is trimmed too tight, the leeward Tell-Tales will lift.
When sailing a fixed course, trim the headsail to the Tell-Tales; when sailing on the wind, steer the boat according to the Tell-Tales.
To check the fore and aft position of the sheet fairlead, sail close hauled and all the Tell-Tales should stream or lift together. If the fairlead is too far aft, the highest windward or lowest leeward Tell-Tales will lift. If the fairlead is too far forward, the highest leeward or lowest windward Tell-Tales will lift.

Part Number
Port Solent