Hempel Silic One Topcoat Antifoul Paint – Biocide Free

£24.95 - £39.95

Hempel Silic One – the only biocide-free silicone antifouling solution with proven track record

What is Hempel Silic One?

Hempel Silic One is a biocide-free antifouling solution based on silicone and hydrogel. This gives the coating surface water-like properties, making it difficult for fouling organisms to attach to the hull and easy for them to be removed when the boat is in motion.

PLEASE NOTE: There are strict timings from overcoating to immersion time that must be followed during the application process. If these are not followed the product may not perform correctly. This includes using the correct primers and tie-coats. See Hempel’s Silic One application guide.


Theoretical spreading rate: 10 m² per L (7.5m² per 750ml tin) – Thinning is not allowed

Cleaner: Hempel’s Thinner 808 08081 (Cleaning only)

Application tool: Brush or Roller

Pot life: 60min at 20ºC

Surface temperature must be above 10ºC during application and curing.

Hempel Silic One Product Data Sheet

How is Silic One different from traditional antifoul?

Traditional antifouling works by releasing a range of bioactive ingredients that prevent organisms such as barnacles, slime and weeds from attaching to the vessel. This obviously has an environmental impact.

Hempel Silic One is biocide-free therefore much better for the environment. It gives the coating surface water-like properties, making it difficult for fouling organisms to attach.

Regardless of which style of antifoul you choose, keeping your hull free from fouling is important as a smooth hull will have less drag therefore using less fuel and decreasing fuel emissions.

The Silic One system comprises of various primers, tie coats and top coats depending on the application you require.

See Hempel’s Silic One application guide

Advantages of using Hempel Silic One

Biocide and copper free
Probably the most important advantage is that it is biocide free, therefore better for the environment.

2 years of protection and easy maintenance
Maintenance of Hempel’s Silic One is easy and simple. Maintenance cost is lower compared to traditional antifouling. In order to maintain the system, a new layer of Hempel’s Silic One should be applied every second year. The Silic One System performs more effectively if the boat remains in the water. If the boat is used in areas of high environmental conditions, or kept out of the water for an extended period, it may be necessary to apply a new layer of Hempel’s Silic One every year.

Use on all hull materials including metal
Most traditional antifoul can not be applied to metal hulls due to the copper content. So you have to use a specific specialist antifoul such as International Cruiser 200 Antifouling. Silic One can be used on almost any boat hull or propeller.

The system can be used over old antifouling
If the existing antifoul is in good condition you can apply the Silic One system on top. Just make sure you follow the correct procedure using the relevant primers and tiecoat.

Silic One applications

Silic One can be used in most applications, whether it be on a new hull or on a previously antifouled boat. You just need to follow the correct procedure. See Hempel’s Silic One application guide.

Overcoating old antifouling
New hull or bare hull with epoxy
New hull without epoxy

Things to consider when making the switch to Hempel Silic One

Application is all about timing! There are strict timings from overcoating to immersion time that must be followed during the application process. If these are not followed the product may not perform correctly. This includes using the correct primers and tie-coats. See Hempel’s Silic One application guide.

Once Silic One and Tie-Coat tins are opened they must be used within 60 minutes. A tin that has been opened cannot be stored for later use. So it is important to purchase the correct amount for your job.

Silic One has a shelf life which unopened tins must be used before. Remember to check this before application.

Painting should be avoided if there is a risk of rain. The paint is also sensitive to humidity, therefore only open the tin just before use. It is also advisable to put the lid back on between pours into a paint tray. Don’t forget you have 60 minutes to use the whole tin.

It is strongly advised to apply the maximum film thickness without sagging for best performance and adhesion.

The boat can be launched in 24-36 hours after the last coat has been applied. Maximum time to launch is 1 month.

Part Number
Size / Colour
Port Solent
750ml / Blue
750ml / Black
750ml / Red
375ml / Black