AquaMarine Bilge Cleaner 1L

£14.66 £7.95

51 in stock

AquaMarine bilge cleaner combats grease, oil. scale and grime in the bilges and other void spaces.
It will also help reduce the growth of mould, mildew and limescale. Ideal for commissioning or for winter storage, helping to prevent bad/stale odours. It can also be used as a wipe on cleaner for immediate results.

Used neat or diluted to increase coverage. If bilge water present, simply add AquaMarine bilge cleaner and leave. AquaMarine Bilge cleaner will be effective up to a dilution of one part cleaner will be effective up to a dilution of one part cleaner to 100 parts water. One litre of AquaMarine bilge cleaner, sufficient for most boats but, large crafts may require extra.

Part Number
Port Solent